Access For Removal Vehicles When Moving To Europe


Check for Vehicle Access At Your Properties!

When moving to Europe, it’s important to consider the size of the removal vehicles and potential obstructions that might impede access. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Size of Removal Vehicles

  1. Small Vans: Suitable for smaller apartments or studios. Usually about 3.5 to 7.5 tons with a width between 2 and 2.5 metres, length between 5 and 9 metres and height between 2.5 and 4 metres .
  2. Medium Trucks: Ideal for 1-2 bedroom homes. These can range from 7.5 to 18 tons with a width between 2.2 and 2.5 metres, length between 6 and 12 metres and height between 2.5 and 4 metres.
  3. Large Trucks: For larger homes (3+ bedrooms). These trucks can be 18 to 38 tons or more with a width between 2.2 and 2.5 metres, length between 9 and 18.5 metres and height of 4 metres

Checking Roadways and Obstructions

  1. Local Regulations: Each European country may have specific regulations regarding large vehicles in residential areas. It’s essential to check these beforehand.
  2. Road Size and Condition: Narrow or winding roads, especially in older European towns, can be challenging for large trucks.
  3. Overhead Obstructions: Look out for low-hanging cables, wires, or tree branches that might obstruct taller vehicles.
  4. Parking Restrictions: Some areas may have restrictions on where large vehicles can park or for how long.
  5. Height and Weight Restrictions: Bridges or tunnels may have height and weight limits that could affect large removal trucks.
  6. Width Restrictions: Some areas have bollards or traffic calming areas where vehicle width is restricted to under 2 metres.

Best Practices for Checking Access

  1. Site Visit: If possible, visit the new location beforehand to assess access.
  2. Local Authorities: Contact local municipal offices or traffic authorities for information on restrictions and permits.
  3. Removal Company Advice: Consult with your chosen removal company; they often have experience and can provide valuable advice.
  4. Online Tools: Use online maps and street view services to visually inspect the route and access points.
  5. Neighbourhood Inquiry: Ask locals or neighbours about any known issues with large vehicle access in the area.

Additional Tips

  • Flexible Scheduling: Plan for potential delays due to access issues.
  • Alternate Plans: Have a backup plan, like using smaller vehicles to shuttle belongings from a larger truck parked further away.
  • Communicate with Removal Company: Ensure they are aware of any potential access issues so they can prepare accordingly.

Also note in many areas of Spain, France and Italy the dust carts used are smaller than our largest removals vehicles. Therefore it is often not safe to assume that because the local dust cart can access your property so can our vehicles.

By considering these factors, we can help you prepare for a smooth moving process to Europe with Matthew James Removals Spain. Remember, preparation and local knowledge is key to avoiding unexpected challenges. Our crews are fimiliar with many local areas in Europe and will often know of bad access in advance.

We are always happy to offer advice and assistance when it comes to vehicle access. We can hire smaller vehicles for deliveries with awakward access, we can also arrange access checks for removals vehicles across Europe.


Our Branches in Spain

Matthew James Removals & Storage SL
Calle Alonso Cano 19
Poligono Industrial
Estepona, Malaga
Google Maps
C/Anselm Clave
S/N Pol 16, Sant Feliu
De LloBregat
Tel: (0034) 931 84 54 94
Tel: 0044 (0) 1322 251 000

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